Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Ultrasonic Cavitation machine uses high-frequency sound waves to disrupt the fat cell walls, which causes the fat cells to "leak" their contents into the fluid spaces of your body. From there, your lymph system picks up this waste material (the loose fat) and begins circulating it through your body until it can be processed by the liver and eliminated with sweat, urine and feces. The results are visibly noticeable immediately, however the entire process can take several days, and you will continue to experience results during this time.

  • Results with Ultrasonic Cavitation will vary depending on how long the fat has existed, how dense it is, how hydrated you are, how well your lymph is circulating, etc. Immature, light and "fluffy" fat is much easier to eliminate than mature, dense fat. You should notice a measurable difference immediately after your first treatment, with the most dramatic difference observable 72 hours after each treatment.

  • Our consultation gives us a chance to get to know your body more, and figure out how we can help you reach your goal, just like with traditional liposuction we still recommend living a heathy lifestyle to see better results. Depending on the person we recommend about 5 sessions, 10 for dramatic weight loss and 3 to just tightening up and tone.

  • There is absolutely no pain. The treatment is warm, soothing and pleasant - much like a hot stone massage.

  • You can receive a treatment during your lunch hour and then drive yourself back to work immediately afterward.

  • Getting this procedure while pregnant can cause serious damage. you are required to sign a waiver upon booking to state weather you are or not. however this is perfect for post pregnancy to help get rid of baby fat.

  • Because of the nature of our spa and the procedures we do do not allow kids . Thank you for your understanding .

  • These suction cups simultaneously placed on the buttocks is able to correct and tone the gluteal muscles. With our shaping tool we are able to shape lift & plump the buttocks. It also rids cellulite.

  • Every one is a candidate for the Brazilian Butt Lift Cups. The cups are doing between 3000 to 5000 squats. It’s a non-surgical process.

  • Many patients are satisfied after eight treatments. However, during your consultation, we can discuss a treatment plan that will meet your specific treatment needs. We recommend two maintenance treatments per month after the original treatment.

  • The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Often times, patients return to work after the session is over.

  • Like any other cosmetic treatment , results are permanent only with proper post care. We recommend exercising for a longer lasting result.

  • We place the cups on the buttocks, leaving them fixed for a period of 30 to 55 minutes, keeping the pressure medium or low – according to patient comfort and the discretion of the therapist (this depends on the tone of the buttock) – and system using pulse frequency.

Still, do you have any questions, contact us?